22 Feb 2025 - Sat - 22:19 pm
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西班牙海鮮飯 PAELLA食譜 番茄魚湯增添港式風味


西班牙海鮮飯 PAELLA就像許多傳統家庭料理一樣,做法也有很多種,每家每戶都有其家傳秘方,但要做得好吃,不外乎就是掌握食材的新鮮及湯底的鮮美,名模蔣怡更加入香港媽媽經常煲的番茄魚湯風味,令西班牙海鮮飯每顆飯粒都裹著鮮甜的味道。

西班牙海鮮飯 材料:

魚頭及魚骨 2 斤(1.2 公斤) 

薑 8片

蔥 3 條(切段) 

番茄 4 個(去皮切粒) 

紅蘿蔔 1 條(切粒)

蜆 1 斤(600 克) 

西班牙米 250 克

水 2 公升

鹽 適量

胡椒粉 適量

芫荽或蕃茜 適量( 切碎 )

油 適量

西班牙海鮮飯 做法:

1.  魚頭魚骨浸泡15分鐘去除血水,洗淨瀝乾。以湯鍋盛約2公升水,加入薑片及蔥段,大火煮滾。

2. 燒熱平底鍋, 加入少許油,分批放入魚頭魚骨,中火煎至兩面焦黃, 取出瀝油,用水沖走多餘油分,將魚骨放入湯鍋中,持續以大火煲1 小時,待湯呈奶白色,撈出魚骨。 

3. 用另一個平底鍋加油將番茄炒至出味,將番茄及紅蘿蔔放入魚湯中, 以中火再煮約30分鐘,如水份已蒸發太多可加入適量滾水。 

4. 魚湯煮約剩下1.5公升,下西班牙米,煮滾後再煮約10分鐘,倒入蜆煮約4分鐘至蜆殼打開。熄火,加入鹽和胡椒粉調味,最後放上切碎的芫荽或蕃茜。


Fish head and fish bone 2 catties (1.2 kg)

Ginger 8 slices

Scallion 3 stalks (sectioned)

Tomato 4 pcs (peeled and diced)

Carrot 1 pc (diced)

Clam 1 catty (600g)

Paella rice 250g

Water 2 litres

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste 

Coriander or parsley some (finely chopped) 

Oil some


1. Soak the fish head and fish bones in the water to remove the blood, for 15 minutes, rinse and drain. In a big soup pot, boil 2 litres of water with ginger and scallion.

2. Heat a frying pan with oil, fry the fish head and bones in batches until golden brown, take out and rinse under running water to remove some oil, transfer immediately into the boiling water. Keep boiling over high heat uncovered for 1 hour, until the stock turns milky white. Pass the stock and discard the fish bones.

3. Heat another frying pan with oil and fry the tomatoes until soft, add to the boiling stock together with the carrots and simmer the stock for another 30 minutes. Add some boiling water if needed.

4. Take around 1.5 litres of the stock, add the paella rice and cook for 10 minutes, add the clams and cook for 4 minutes until all the clams open. Turn off the heat, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped coriander or parsley.

曾遠赴倫敦藍帶廚藝學校學藝的名模蔣怡(Coco) ,早前推出了食譜《想煮就煮》,書中公開她私藏的30道食譜之餘,亦大談她的下廚之道。



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